
Happy Birthday to me

I passed the point where you impatiently wait to turn "older" some years ago - since then it's a steady decline .. uhh already a year older again?!? Grandma asking if it wouldn't be time now for some more great-grandchildren, Mom hinting she wouldn't mind becoming a grandma. My sister's unbelieving shockoed "ohhh sooooo old!" (I guess for a 12 year old I am).

from me to me
from me to me (a measuring cup - I know not very extravagant)
But that's enough it's a day to celebrate - presents have been dripping in over the last days, some people make good use of "free delivery". I am away today - as I have been all weekend  (thank blogger for the scheduling of posts) for the yearly "Family meeting" that means all my cousins, aunts, uncles, great parents, various great cousins BBQing in one place.



  1. A very happy birthday to you Leonie! Enjoy your get together with your family.

  2. Happy Birthday!
    Have a great day!

  3. Happy belated birthday!

  4. A very happy belated birthday.
    Hope you had a lovely day xxxx

  5. Happy belated birthday to you.

  6. Sorry I missed your birthday, hope you had a wonderful time.
