
Happy Birthday to me

Yesterday was my big day - and what did I do? Hundreds of things except celebrate. Sunday was just a short run through in the morning and then the big concert in the evening in the "Rheingoldhalle" in Mainz singing/playing Haydn's Creation. After that it was say good bye to mom and run home - get a cake done. Can't have a birhtday without a cake.


My mom left me some presents - she drove in for the concert - and a friend send some. So with my cake I had a lovely cleberation at 7:00am unwrapping some of the presents. Does my age mean I'm too old to get all my presents wrapped? I have to say if that's the case then I don't want to get older.

what is it with not wrapping presents?

Then I was off to start the last week of lectures - which the usualy Monday morning programm until 2 o'clock which left me with about an hour to catch up on some sleep, answer a few phonecalls and get ready to drive to Frankfurt for some more rehearsing and another concert. I sure can think of a nicer way to spend my birthday than standing through a two hour concert. Yeah I'm not so upbeat - someone forgot my birhtday - again.



  1. Happy Birthday to you! We never get too old for presents. I hope you had a good day.

  2. Happy Birthday!!
    I hope there was plenty of cake too!

  3. Anonymous16 July, 2013

    Happy Birthday Leo! I love seeing the old shirts and bed linens become a quilt!

  4. Happy birthday...it was my birthday, too! No cake, though....

  5. Belated happy birthday. It sounds like a hectic day, but I'm glad you had time for cake:-)

  6. Alles Gute! Was für ein schönes Alter :-) Aber glaub mir: Das Beste kommt jetzt erst noch! Ich wünsche Dir weiterhin viel Spaß am Quilten! Und ich freue mich auf Deine weiteren Landmädel-Blöcke :-)

  7. Alles Gute auch von mir.
    Von Zeit zu Zeit schaue ich mal bei dir vorbei und jetzt gerade sehe ich dass ich dir bei bloglovin folgen kann.Das werde ich dann gleich mal machen.
    Obwohl du einen hektischen Geburtstag hattest , stelle ich es mir auch schön vor am Geburtstag ein Ständchen zu bekommen.
    Habt ihr Die Schöpfung gesungen? In welcher Stimme singst du denn mit?
    Ich singe ALT und wir hatten gerade ein CHorkonzert mit vielen geistlichen Liedern Von Mendelsohn Bartholdy.Das hat richti Spaß gemacht.
    So viel Gesundheit für das neue Lebensjahr und viele , viele kreative Ideen wünsche ich dir
    Alles Liebe

  8. Hey Leo, sorry my b-day wishes are so late. I've been off line for several days. Sometimes b-days are like that. I hope you get to celebrate with some friends this weekend?! cheers, CW

  9. Nachträglich Alles Liebe!
