
ideas you should never have had

teeny tiny baskets - July Doll Quilt

I have a really nice partner for the July Doll Quilt Swap - we both are paper piecing beginners and both have never done baskets. So we agreed to ignore the optional theme of "stars and stripes" for this month. So of course I started thinking about the paper piecing and a tradtional family picture wall and well yeah I had a not so captivating lecture to go through and came up with a sampler ... 

mini-basket-sampler layout
ignore the math

I sort of liked the idea of a sampler - but I don't like to do the really big mini quilts - I always think other people don't have that much more free wall space than I do so I stick with the over 12" but usually not bigger than 20". Reminds me to do a not square Doll Quilt again ... Ok that was a complicated way of saying I knew my blocks needed to be tiny.

PP-stuff for mini basektsPP-stuff for mini basekts

There you go - 8 of the 9 basket blocks I came up with - they finish at 3,75" square. Piecing them is a messy trial of my non-existent patience ... Hmm yeah I need to work on my precision - and I seem to have been colour blind with the tips of the middle basket ... who thought it woudl be that hard to match purple to purple and blue to blue.

basket 1 - DQS - 2013-07basket 3basket 2

Maybe I will end up not doing 9 blocks - maybe 5 and then fill the other squares with prints or so and keep myself from going nuts over a quilt  ... yeah I always have fun ideas for my swap quilts and the minute I start realising them I regret them ... but I like the results in the end.

If you want to join the fun - you can be less crazy - no need to becoem like me ... here's the link



  1. HI Leo- These are incredible- yes, I know it's easy to put the wrong color in a PP block - I've done it too many times.... but that aside- I am just amazed at your designs and that you figured these out from scratch- don't give up yet- should be a really sweet project:)

  2. Oh dear. I'm sure I'll never have such idea, lol. Good luck with yours!

  3. Oooh, your baskets are sooo cute! Wanna make some

  4. Don't give up! They are looking wonderful.

  5. Anonymous22 July, 2013

    Keep going. The blocks you have done so far are lovely.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Leo, Du bist sehr mütig!! Körbe sind ziemlich schwierig vor allem, wenn sie so klein sind! Wenn Du diese "Sampler" zu Ende bringst, kannst Du wirklich auf Dich stolz sein. Jetzt bist zu wirklich in eine andere Klasse gekommen! ^5

    Zeig die Blöcke bitte mit einem Münze nebendran! Wir wollen sehen, wie klein die Blöcke wirklich sind.
