Well yeah I got some backing fabric yesterday and then I got back to writing and then I just had to think about sewing and the August Doll Quilt I still need to get done. So I did a late night sewing session with some ice cream and another re-run of Firefly ..
Isn't that some great fabric? well I liked it a great deal and I guess I have enought to use it as backing and then have enough left to us it in a quilt ...
But I need to start to piece baackings or I will be stuck for always with quilts that are a max. of 59 inch width. And I really don't like "borders".
Any tips on backing piecing?
I read someplace that you should do it in thirds and not in twos - so you avoid the seams being at the same place where the grease from folding and therefore the most stress will be.
Yes and because "storing away" backing fabirc is really not going to do it to calm a fabric-addicted brain on withdrawl - I decided it was ok to do a little sewing after 8. The theme for August was "Nine-patches" and I always liked the "Disappearing ninepatch" pattern.
I also remember me complaining time and time again about no one using orange in quilts - so I decided it was time for me to do something about that.

It's a Quilt for August - so some yellow for the still summer, some orange for the almost-but-not-yet autumn, some specs of colour - just because and red s a frame, well I like red. Of course that explanation I'm making up as I go here - it's complete and utter nonsense. I just happen to have a lot of orange and a lot of red and like both of the colours. And I really am no one to have hidden agendas when using colours. I do what I like. Choosign colours is gut work.

And as I had to store it away - because no I'm not going to start bastign any quilts anytime soon - I thought I would show the rest of them. Some are really ugly - the creme ones, especially the one with stars, maybe I need to swap them.
But I need to start to piece baackings or I will be stuck for always with quilts that are a max. of 59 inch width. And I really don't like "borders".
Any tips on backing piecing?
I read someplace that you should do it in thirds and not in twos - so you avoid the seams being at the same place where the grease from folding and therefore the most stress will be.
Yes and because "storing away" backing fabirc is really not going to do it to calm a fabric-addicted brain on withdrawl - I decided it was ok to do a little sewing after 8. The theme for August was "Nine-patches" and I always liked the "Disappearing ninepatch" pattern.
I also remember me complaining time and time again about no one using orange in quilts - so I decided it was time for me to do something about that.

It's a Quilt for August - so some yellow for the still summer, some orange for the almost-but-not-yet autumn, some specs of colour - just because and red s a frame, well I like red. Of course that explanation I'm making up as I go here - it's complete and utter nonsense. I just happen to have a lot of orange and a lot of red and like both of the colours. And I really am no one to have hidden agendas when using colours. I do what I like. Choosign colours is gut work.
I love that fabric in the first picture in your post. It is perfect for a backing.
ReplyDeleteDas ist wirklich ein sehr schöner Stoff, den du fürs Backing ausgesucht hast! Wenn du genügend Stoff von einer Sorte hast (also zwei Bahnen nebeneinander), dann teile ein Stück der Länge nach und setze das große Stück in die Mitte. Ansonsten würde ich dir mal empfehlen, in die Bücher von Elizabeth Hartman oder auf ihren Blog www.ohfransson.com zu schauen, die gibt auch immer schöne Anleitungen und Ideen für zusammengesetzte backings. Falls du dieses Dilemma in Zukunft vermeiden möchtest, zumindest in den USA habe ich schon gesehen, dass einige Anbieter einige ihrer Stoffe extra für Backings in 180cm Breite anbieten. Vielleicht bekommst du die auch hier. Und man kann sich auch mal bei europäischen Stoffen unschauen (z.B. Westfalenstoffe), die 150cm Breite haben. Das reicht ja manchmal auch schon.
ReplyDeleteNeat fabric and also your orange project is great! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteFreemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday
I like the orange with the pops of color.
ReplyDeleteYour August quilt is really fun. I love the pattern.
ReplyDeleteVery fun backing--what a great idea to make backings ahead of time. I'm usually trying to hurry to get it finished so I can take my quilt over to the quilter's. Your August quilt with its red and orange colors is wonderful. I can really relate to this now: we are in triple-digit temperatures for the rest of the week! Too hot!
ReplyDeleteElizabeth E.