yep it really was an unproductive week - I received a doll quilt, I was notified that my Bee Block arrived in NZ ...
The only really productive thigns were passing the Latin exam and doing some bicycle repairs. I will have to put sewing on a halt for a little longer until I find some miracle to get rid of all the black grease again.
The only really productive thigns were passing the Latin exam and doing some bicycle repairs. I will have to put sewing on a halt for a little longer until I find some miracle to get rid of all the black grease again.
Yes well that once was the break cable, well it still is one, but it's a broken one. It really gave me a scare giving up on me downhill - luckily I use short cuts and back ways and was at that time crossing "filed ways" so no cars ... So I bought a new cable today and had to fight with the usual "girl - skirt" can't possibly know what she's doing attitude.
So while I was in the process of taking the bicycle apart I decided why not use the opportunity to get my Christmas present installed - a hub dynamo - no more noise, slowing you down dynanmo pressing on the wheel - no now I have a smooth silent one ...
Good cycling everyone!
Oh careful on your bike! Sometimes we need to have those unproductive weeks to give our brains a rest. Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteFahrrad reparieren und herrichten ist doch auch etwas Produktives :-) Da das Wetter so herrlich ist, bekommt man auch richtig Lust zum Fahrradfahren... Wie hast Du die Schmiere wieder wegbekommen? Meine Mutter hat mir vor langer Zeit beigebracht, dass ich Schmiere mit Fett bekämpfen muss. Also Öl drauf - egal ob es sich um die Hände oder Stoff handelt! Und dann die Schmiere rauswaschen und anschließend mit viel Spüli das Fett wieder rauswaschen. Klappt auch bei Klamotten sehr gut! Und ich hatte bei meinem fahrradfanatischen Mann oft genug die Gelegenheit, das auszuprobieren :-)