

Bastelei - noun / basteln - verb

usually involves scissors, glue, paper, paint - can also involve thread, wool, beads, card board and the like ... I haven't found a good way to trasalte it. But it's what I did today vurtsey of my sister.

my sister made me do it

She made me a chain light with little round lamp shades from sort of thick transparent paper for my Birthday last summer. She then informed me 4 days before Christmas that that would be the perfect present for her - fat chance! I told her to wait for her birthday well and that iscoming up this week.

light chain ready for shipping of to the birthday kid

So she will get her own personal light chain with lamp shades - I went for yellow and red. They give a warm light. A few more minutes and I can take off the cloth pins and then wrap the whole thing up and post it.



  1. Wow! These are fantastic!!

  2. Wow, what a nice hand made gift! I'd never thought to fancy up a string of lights myself?! I agree the red and yellow give the whole thing a nice warm glow. How do you secure the paper bells to the line? cheers, CW
