
Confusing Mosaics - or how not to do them

I really think I got the basics of mosaics wrong - I joined a swap (again) just because I needed this feeling of not struggling with the next and the next bee block trying to keep up and catch up. Anyway part of most swpas is doing a mosaic. Noone ever tells you how to do them, I mean there are no rules a mosaic needs to look like: a, b, c and include at least g and f and r, s, t are nice to be included.

Mosaik - zu konkret?

For me things were perfectly clear ... I want something with that signage on the left, something with circles and rectangles and lines. I want my name to be on it (or at least space to put it on it) - I want to be able to use it for a certain purpose (so it needs to be sturdy and please not white and no trim) and I want blues and greens to be the colours ...

But apperently I was wrong - that is not on the mosaic ... It is one big confusing mess. So we go with option two:

Mosaik 2 - Nr.1 wurde als viel zu verwirrend erklärt

Again ... right upper corner my starting point - now you can for example do a scrappy circle, or you can do some fun colour hue game with the reactangle (square) and you can use some yellow highlights or just read that lines and circles and squares are geometry and really a windmill is geometry too.

But that was apparently still not really clearenough ...

Now hoping not to step on any toes - I find most other mosaics majorly confusing -they rarely have a common theme. Some I can at least interpret as rainbow in any form or shape, but then there are then ones that make no sense whatsoever for me (blue, but other colours too, squares and pixelation, but also paper piceing, animals feathers, buidlings). Maybe I need to take a course in mosaic reading?

1 comment:

  1. Liebe Leonie,
    jetzt erst sehe ich, dass Du zu Deinem Mosaik etwas gepoetet hast. Ich hoffe, ich habe es einigermaßen so interpretiert, wie Du es gemeint hast (wenn ich auch nicht alles berücksichtigt habe). Deinen Namen müsstest Du drauf bekommen, ich habe mir da einen Platz auf einem Unistoff vorgestellt (also blau auf grün oder so ähnlich).
    In der Hoffnung, dass Dein Leben "nicht mehr so in Unordnung" ist (das ist bei uns ein Familienausdruck, wenn alles durcheinandergeht),
    liebe Grüße
