

I thought I could start with sharing some culture things (that is how I grew up to do it, that means a small catholic village in Swabia (southe west Germany)). You probably all figured that I do not do Halloween simply because it does not exist here. And even though there is the 31st of October which is Reformation Day for the Protestants and there is Allerheiligen - All Saints' Day on 1st of November.

More personal is Allerseelen - All Souls' Day on the 2nd of November, the day we remember the dead, by visiting the cemetary and lightening candles. I won't be home this year - bu I  might simply light a candle in the window.



  1. Interesting custom. I'll have to check where Swabia is.

  2. I do so love any photos you post of Germany. Some countries, like yours have been through so much sadness its amazing any customs are still followed.

    My husbands Mom was about 7 when she and her Mom crossed a river from East Germany to West Germany during the winter. Right around the time the Berlin Wall was going up. Though she is now a naturalized American citizen, the sadness in her voice when she talks of the country she still holds dear in her heart.

    blessings, jill
